Now, it does appear that Abraham probably shadowed Eugene back, but still: walking off like he did wasn’t cool. Idiot Ball Moment Three came next when Abraham was like, “Fuck this guy,” and wandered off. Yes, you’re mad at the guy who has actual combat experience for saving your ass, and so the best thing to do is get in his face and call him out for saving your ass. Abraham then leaves Eugene to fend for himself.ĬF: This was Idiot Ball Moment Two: Eugene picks the wrong moment to grow a pair of balls. After Abraham tells Eugene he would have a better chance of picking up a turd by its clean end than finish the lead-head walker, it seems a breakup is eminent. This totally pisses of Eugene and the best awkward fight ever commences. But, just when he thinks he is all walker-ready, he gets attacked by a walker wearing a lead-hat and Abe has to step in and finish the job. Eugene reckons he is ready to level up and is taking Abe out to look at a place where they could potentially manufacture bullets (so long as they can find enough lead–sounds like a cake walk #not). Meanwhile, Abraham (Michael Cudlitz) is taking another newbie out into the wilderness, Eugene (Josh McDermitt).Well, then, why didn’t you make her stay back in the ASZ? Don’t be an asshole, Daryl, and then act pissy on the run.

Denise agrees with him and they let Rosita walk the tracks alone.ĬF: Daryl had Man Period going on for a big part of the episode, and I think it was because he didn’t want Denise out on the run. Really Daryl? The apothecary is just there, but no, you want to take the scenic route.

Most important to note is the fact Carol (Melissa McBride) is chain smoking and PTSDing pretty hardcore. But there is a point to this–of sorts, which we will see at the end. Over and over again we get to see Alexandria doing the same thing, day in, day out. We start this episode with Groundhog Day.Though it seems like it was kinda scattershot. However, this episode comes pretty damn close! Here’s what went down in Episode 14 (entitled “Twice As Far”) of season 6 of The Walking Dead:ĬF: Oh, yeah. So I really didn’t think AMC could top last week’s episode of The Walking Dead.